Small parts with great value – labels

In electronic assembly there is a wide variety of, usually manually or automatically from rolls applied, labels. Variability of labels is virtually infinite. Besides the different labels technology of them is also versatile. Their base material can be paper, coated, plastic or metal foil, their material and adhesive may be humidity resistant, waterproof, chemical resistant, UV-stable and temperature resistant. They may be peel-able of nearly undestroyable.

They may play a role in warehousing, production tracking and identification or version and production lot and composition tracking. They even may contribute to the appearance of the product and the attractiveness of its packaging.

Printing in one colour or full colour are options for them and some are readable for humans while others are meant for automatic code readers.

Usually the contribution of labels in the total cost of production is negligible, still if they arrive late or missing or if their quality is nota s expected or they do not comply with the technology requirements or if the bar or QR coding standard or design is not thought through and traceability is impaired those factors all may lead to calculable losses. Besides by avoiding unnecessarily high technical level labels adds to bottom line savings.

Deery Brook has a partner in Hungary that can provide solution in those aspects. By design advising, developing suitable coding conventions, customised size cutting on not unnecessary base material quality rolled labels, by preprinting and flexible deliveries, by roll fed label printers and consumable supplies they maximise cost efficiency of solving labeling tasks at our customers.
Contact us, let us help making your label supplies better and less costly.

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